Musashi's M.U.G.E.N Shrine
Characters Made By Me
Hosted Characters
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Hi And Welcome To Musashi's M.U.G.E.N Shrine

Sorry Guys But My Site Is Still Under Construction...And Will Always Be

Don't Forget To Vote For Me At The Top 69 Mugen Sites And At The Top 25 Mugen Nites Top Site List!!!

You Guys Are All Probably Thinking The Same Thing : "What's That M.U.G.E.N Thing???"

Well M.U.G.E.N Is The Best 2D Fighting Game Maker Out There. You Can D/l, Edit, And Even Create Your Own Characters, Backgrounds..Almost Everything!! You Can Download This Great Program At Elecbyte's Site, Which Can Be Found In The Links Section. Enjoy!

On This Page You'll Find M.U.G.E.N Charcters Made By Me ( My First's Not Finished Yet But Expect It To Be Downloadable In About One Month ) And By Other People. You'll Also Find, In The Add-ons Section, Some Pretty Good Screenpacks And Backgrounds, Life Bars And Music Files. You Can Find Screenshots Of M.U.G.E.N In The Pics Section And You'll Find Links To The Best M.U.G.E.N Sites In My Links Section. I'll Also Try To Update My Site Very Often, So Check Back Often To See The Updates.

If You Want Your Page In My Links Section, Just E-Mail Me With The URL And A Banner For The Site And I'll Add It.

Oh And By The Way, Don't Forget To Pass By The Forum And Tell Me What You Think ABout The Site :)

The News:

January 8, 2001 17:45 PM

Well just to tell you the downloads work!! Anyway from now on go check the forum for the news. Thx

January 8, 2001 12:45 PM

Well I'll delete the news in about 3-4 days cus I'll put them in the forum instead. Don't forget to register to ezBoard before posting.

January 6, 2001 10:50 AM

Still No Characters Cus I Get Error Messages When Uploading Them..I'll Try To Have Them Here By Tomorrow

January 5, 2001

Well Finally My Site Is Up And Running...

Brave Fencer Musashi

<%@ page info=" gear manager" language="java" import="htmlgear.member.*, htmlgear.database.*, htmlgear.gear.*,*, htmlgear.util.*," %><%-- Update is called after ALL gear operations. Primarily, it validates the status of the operation and updates the member's database for the gear action just completed. interface: i=id &u=user &a=action &si=site_id &m=gear nickname &t=gear type --%><%!/** * validate URL * * @param String u URL to validate * @return boolean true (1) = failure * */boolean URLisBogus(String u){ // check length if ( (u.length() == 0) || // no size (u.indexOf(",") > -1) || // has a comma (u.indexOf(" ") > -1) || // has a space (u.indexOf(".") == -1) ) // does not have . { return true; } return false;}%><% String user = request.getRemoteUser(); String action = request.getParameter("a"); String mnem = request.getParameter("m"); String gtype = request.getParameter("t"); String sid = request.getParameter("si"); String gid = request.getParameter("i"); String st = request.getParameter("st"); // off the bat, remove any %'s in the gear name // (but only if a gname value is required for this action) // Also make sure that there is some visible name ... // the gear database is currently choking if no name is specified // (DOL 22-March-2000) String gname = request.getParameter("n"); if((gname == null) || (gname.trim().length() == 0)) { gname = "(no name)"; } else { gname = gname.replace('%',' '); } // validate if ( (user == null) || (user.equals("null")) || !(user.length() > 0)) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MIA000: update.jsp action="+action); return; } if (action == null) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MIA002: update.jsp action="+action); return; } // grab some properties gProperties prop = gProperties.instance(); String gHome = prop.getStringProperty("GEAR_HOME", ""); // get the member set up gMember member = null; try { member = new gMember(user); } catch (gMemberException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MEMBER01:"+URLEncoder.encode("manage/list.jsp -- "+ e.getMessage())); return; } // crack open the gear info file and load the data String gearFilePath = member.getGearInfoPath(); gMemberGearInfoDB gf = new gMemberGearInfoDB(gearFilePath); try { gf.parse(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MGR010:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp -- IOException on gMemberInfoDB.parse() for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; }//-: C R E A T E :- ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (action.equals("create")) { // check for site ID - if none, get one if ((sid == null) || (sid.equals("null"))) { gSiteDisplay s = gf.getFirstSiteInList(); sid = s.getID(); } // before we do anything -- make sure we passed -- take action on error if (st == null) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MIA000:Status+parameter+{st=}+is+missing"); return; } if (!st.equals("ok")) { // set redirect to error page // call gear->delete (which will then redirect to error page) response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MGR0101: "+st); return; } else { // check the gear data - it all has to be there or we error if ( (gid == null) || (mnem == null) || (gtype == null) || (gname == null) ) { String error_msg = "Missing parameters: i={" + gid + "} m={" + mnem + "} t={" + gtype + "} n={" + gname + "}"; response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE010:" + error_msg); return; } // create the new gear object for the site gGearDisplay g = new gGearDisplay(mnem, gtype, gname, gid); // update the site with the new gear gf.addGearToSite(sid, g); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - CREATE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // so we have a new pretty gear -- go get the HTML for it unless the "skiphtml=true" // parameter is set, in which case we skipp the "Get HTML" step and punt straight back // to the Gear Manager. This is required for the GuestWorld legacy conversion process String skiphtml = request.getParameter("skiphtml"); String comeback = gHome + "/manage/list.jsp"; if((skiphtml == null) || ( ! skiphtml.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) { response.sendRedirect("/" + mnem + "/owner/control." + mnem +"?a=gethtml&n=" + URLEncoder.encode(gname) + "&u=" + user + "&i=" + gid + "&r="+URLEncoder.encode(comeback)); return; } else { response.sendRedirect(comeback); return; } } }//-: C O N F I G :- ------------------------------------------------------------------ else if (action.equals("config")) { // before we do anything -- make sure we passed -- take action on error if (st == null) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MIA000: Status+parameter+{st=}+is+missing on action="+action); return; } if (!st.equals("ok")) { // set redirect to error page; do not perform any action on the gear because // we do not know what state it was left in. response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?MGR010: ="+st); return; } else { if ( (gid == null) || (gname == null) || (mnem == null) ) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE015: "+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp [CONFIG]: required parameter site id, gear id or gear name missing")); return; } // the only data that needs to be saved after a config is the // gear's name; assume it's changed and update for it. gGearDisplay g = gf.findGear(mnem, gid); // update the name - always assume it's changed .. it's cheap .... g.setName(gname); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - CONFIG - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for id="+gid+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); } }//-: R E M O V E :- ------------------------------------------------------------------ else if (action.equals("remove")) { // before we do anything -- make sure we passed -- take action on error // blow off checking status -- if there was trouble deleteing a gear then just // remove it from the database and move on. Worse case scenario is a damanged // gear exists in the member's area that does not appear anywhere else // make sure we have a site first.... if (sid == null) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=MIA000: "+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp [REMOVE] site ID missing")); return; } // remove the gear from the site gf.removeGearFromSite(sid, gid, mnem); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - REMOVE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for id="+gid+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); }//-: M O V E :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (action.equals("move")) { String oldsid = request.getParameter("oi"); String newsid = request.getParameter("ni"); // grab the sites and the gear object(s) gSiteDisplay old_s = gf.getSiteByID(oldsid); gSiteDisplay new_s = gf.getSiteByID(newsid); gGearDisplay g = gf.findGear(mnem, gid); // remove from the old, add to the new ... old_s.removeGear(g); new_s.addGear(g); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - MOVE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for id="+gid+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); return; }//-: N E W S I T E :- -------------------------------------------------------------- else if (action.equals("newsite")) { String name = request.getParameter("sn"); String uri = request.getParameter("su"); // Make sure the site name is not null and contains no '%' characters if(name == null) { name = ""; } else { name = name.replace('%',' '); } // Make sure the site uri is not null and contains no '%' characters if(uri == null) { uri = ""; } else { uri = uri.replace('%',' '); } // validate url if ( (name == null) || (name.equals("null")) || (name.length() == 0) ) { response.sendRedirect("/manage/site.jsp?a=newsite&sn="+URLEncoder.encode(name)+"&su="+URLEncoder.encode(uri)+"&e="+URLEncoder.encode("name field is required")); return; } else { // check URL only if one was entered -- this is an optional field if ((uri.length() > 0) && (URLisBogus(uri))) { response.sendRedirect("/manage/site.jsp?a=newsite&sn="+URLEncoder.encode(name)+"&su="+URLEncoder.encode(uri)+"&e="+URLEncoder.encode("the URL is in error")); return; } else { // get the next available site ID String id = gf.getNextSiteID(); // create a new site object and add to list gSiteDisplay s = new gSiteDisplay(id, name, uri); gf.addSite(s); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - NEW SITE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for site-id="+id+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); return; } // if (URL is cool...) } // if (name = valid) }//-: E D I T S I T E :- ------------------------------------------------------------ else if (action.equals("editsite")) { String id = request.getParameter("si"); String name = request.getParameter("sn"); String uri = request.getParameter("su"); // Make sure the site name is not null and contains no '%' characters if(name == null) { name = ""; } else { name = name.replace('%',' '); } // Make sure the site uri is not null and contains no '%' characters if(uri == null) { uri = ""; } else { uri = uri.replace('%',' '); } if ( (name == null) || (name.equals("null")) || (name.length() == 0) ) { response.sendRedirect("/manage/site.jsp?a=editsite&si="+id+"&sn="+URLEncoder.encode(name)+"&su="+URLEncoder.encode(uri)+"&e="+URLEncoder.encode("name field is required")); return; } else { // check URL only if one was entered -- this is an optional field if ((uri.length() > 0) && (URLisBogus(uri))) { response.sendRedirect("/manage/site.jsp?a=editsite&si="+id+"&sn="+URLEncoder.encode(name)+"&su="+URLEncoder.encode(uri)+"&e="+URLEncoder.encode("the URL is in error")); return; } else { gSiteDisplay s = gf.getSiteByID(id); // force the form data into the site s.setName(name); s.setUri(uri); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - EDIT SITE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for site-id="+id+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); return; } } }//-: D E L E T E S I T E :- --------------------------------------------------------//// of note, the site.jsp file (which is invoked when a member selects to delete// a site) validates the site is empty of all gears before proceeding. We can// never get here if a site contains gears.// else if (action.equals("deletesite")) { String id = request.getParameter("si"); // get the whole site object gSiteDisplay s = gf.getSiteByID(id); String name = s.getName(); // remove the site gf.removeSite(s); // write the file .... try { gf.write(); } catch (IOException e) { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=UPDATE020:"+URLEncoder.encode("update.jsp - DELETE SITE - : IOException on gMemberInfoDB.write() for site-id="+id+" for member="+user+" -- "+e.getMessage())); return; } // back to manager response.sendRedirect("/manage/list.jsp"); return; }//-: U N K N O W N :- -------------------------------------------------------- else { response.sendRedirect("/error/error.jsp?st=BAD010"); }%>